As we build the WEFOBZ NATION we come across those from other Nations, who at times, need a helping hand. In offering our aid, we also offer a chance to share in the positive vibes of our combined efforts. This is why we say, WEFOBZ Together Strong!
WEFOBZ Enterprise lends a hand!
A high school in American Samoa needed help with funding for their end of the year academic awards. WEFOBZ was honored to pitch in! We got an awesome letter of appreciation out of it!
WEFOBZ Enterprise collaborates again!
A newly launched sports brand in American Samoa wanted help getting a rugby tournament off the ground, we were excited to offer our aid! Got another cool appreciation letter sent our way, and they obviously took a play from the Leone High School letter. Whatever gets the job done easier, we are fine with it, it's how we like it!