Buying a WEFOBZ NFT gives you access to an ever evolving entertainment community where the production, promotion, and distribution of audio - visual art is key to our brand thriving in this age of Web3 and Metaverses. This roadmap is updated regularly as WEFOBZ Seasons progress towards completion.
As a holder of any Season 1 WEFOBZ NFT you gain an all time VIP Access Pass to any WEFOBZ Enterprise Event held either in the Metaverses or "In Real Life," or IRL! It is the goal of WEFOBZ Enterprise to host at least 1 to 2 entertainment events per month for this year of 2022.
Season 1 NFT holders will have access to earning one time redeemable and collectible rewards after meeting WEFOBZ NFT collector tier goals which range from owning 3 WEFOBZ NFT's to 7, to 18, to 21, to 30, to 69 and then finally 100 WEFOBZ NFT's! This gives incentive to either hold or trade our NFT's for extra gains on your original purchase of our artworks!
A holder of any Season 1 WEFOBZ NFT has access to all WEFOBZ Enterprise Shops established within the metaverses! The particular Metaverse we are launching into will vary but we are guaranteed to launch into the Metaverse known as Fluxtopia by the final quarter of this year. This Metaverse will be free to play. You can get a taste of Fluxtopia by viewing the video posted here.
Season 1 NFT Holders who have access to our WEFOBZ shops in the metaverses will aslo have access to a variety of WEFOBZ merchandise and apparel and so much more! Through WEFOBZ NFT's, WEFOBZ Enterprise looks to bridge the gap between combining digital assets with IRL physical products! For example, purchase a WEFOBZ NFT with a certain style cap and receive the cap IRL, just pay for shipping and handling. The possibilities are endless!
WEFOBZ Season 1 NFT releases will be executed on OpenSea as soon as the mints are ready. Check here regularly for the link which we will post once the NFT's are good to go!
Phase 1
Launch WEFOBZ promotions IRL and Online
Create 100 WEFOBZ Season 1 NFT’s
Build WEFOBZ Website
Build WEFOBZ Discord
Prepare collector reward tiers
Prepare metaverse inclusion
Phase 2
Mint WEFOBZ Season 1 NFT’s
Launch WEFOBZ NFT sales
Execute collector reward tiers
Launch WEFOBZ website
Launch WEFOBZ Discord
Launch metaverse inclusion into Fluxtopia
Create 100 NFT’s for WEFOBZ Season 2
Prepare for WEFOBZ Season 2